Finally having finished my latest work I feel relieved and pleased with the end result. Most of my work gives the impression of positive emotions, exploring the more upbeat aspects of human nature. I consider my work to be the visual respit needed when confronted with art designed to inflame and/or evoke other more intense emotional responses. However my new work wanted to be expressed in a less than positive light. The imagery demanded to be painted honestly. The male figure is portrayed as coveting what he believes to be perfection (possibilities of perfection include her as a woman or perhaps an artistic /musical ideal). This illusion is strengthened by her desire to extended the illusion for as long as possible. The clock above them is the constant reminder that all illusions have a time limit. Ultimately we see behind the masks we wear. Having been so blunt with the painting I do wish to state that while we all want to present to the world the "mask" of perfection, strength and confidence often our flaws are what set us apart and make us interesting. In new relationships (in whichever form they take) when the "honeymoon" phase ends is when the real fun begins!